Java (programming language)

Java Program to Accept and Print Array Elements


Arrays are essential data structures in Java that store collections of elements under a single variable name. Accepting user input to populate arrays and printing their contents are fundamental tasks in Java programming. This guide demonstrates how to create a Java program that effectively handles array input and output.

Understanding Array Input and Output

  • Input: Gathering array elements from the user involves using the Scanner class to capture input and store it in array elements.
  • Output: Printing array elements involves iterating through the array using a loop and displaying each element using System.out.println().

Steps to Accept and Print Array Elements

  1. Import Scanner: Javaimport java.util.Scanner;
  2. Create Scanner Object: JavaScanner scanner = new Scanner(;
  3. Declare Array Size: JavaSystem.out.print("Enter the number of elements: "); int arraySize = scanner.nextInt();
  4. Declare Array: Javaint[] myArray = new int[arraySize];
  5. Accept Array Elements: JavaSystem.out.println("Enter array elements:"); for (int i = 0; i < arraySize; i++) { myArray[i] = scanner.nextInt(); }
  6. Print Array Elements: JavaSystem.out.println("Array elements:"); for (int element : myArray) { System.out.println(element); }

Complete Code Example:


import java.util.Scanner;

public class ArrayInputOutput {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        Scanner scanner = new Scanner(;

        System.out.print("Enter the number of elements: ");
        int arraySize = scanner.nextInt();

        int[] myArray = new int[arraySize];

        System.out.println("Enter array elements:");
        for (int i = 0; i < arraySize; i++) {
            myArray[i] = scanner.nextInt();

        System.out.println("Array elements:");
        for (int element : myArray) {


  1. Import the Scanner class for user input.
  2. Create a Scanner object to read input.
  3. Prompt the user for the array size.
  4. Declare an integer array with the specified size.
  5. Use a for loop to accept elements from the user and store them in the array.
  6. Use a for-each loop to print each element of the array.

Additional Considerations

  • Generic Approach: The code can be adapted for different data types by changing the array declaration and input methods accordingly.
  • Error Handling: Consider adding validation to ensure valid input types and prevent potential exceptions.
  • Alternative Output Methods: You can use Arrays.toString() or a traditional for loop for printing elements.


By following these steps and understanding the code structure, you can effectively create Java programs that interact with arrays to accept user input and display their contents accurately. This foundational knowledge is crucial for various programming tasks involving array manipulation and user interaction.


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