C (programming language)

C program to print multiplication table of given number

Multiplying with Code: Crafting a Multiplication Table Generator in C

Unleash the power of C to navigate the mathematical realm of multiplication tables! This guide delves into the creation of a C program that generates the multiplication table of any given number, equipping you with the knowledge to master this fundamental concept.

1. Laying the Foundation

Essential Ingredients:

  • stdio.h header: Provides input/output functions like printf for printing and scanf for taking user input.
  • Looping structure: A for loop efficiently iterates through multiplication operations.

2. Writing the Program

Here’s the code:


#include <stdio.h>

int main() {
  int num, i;

  printf("Enter a number: ");
  scanf("%d", &num);

  printf("Multiplication table of %d:\n", num);

  for (i = 1; i <= 10; i++) {
    printf("%d x %d = %d\n", num, i, num * i);

  return 0;

Step-by-Step Explanation:

  1. Include header: #include <stdio.h> imports the necessary input/output functions.
  2. Declare variables: num stores the input number, and i acts as a counter for the loop.
  3. Prompt for input: printf asks the user to enter a number, and scanf stores it in num.
  4. Print table header: printf displays a descriptive message indicating the multiplication table being generated.
  5. Initiate the loop: A for loop starts with i = 1 and continues until i reaches 10, incrementing i by 1 in each iteration.
  6. Calculate and print: Inside the loop, printf displays each multiplication fact (num * i) formatted as “num x i = result”.

3. Compiling and Running

  1. Save the code: Store the program as a .c file (e.g., “multiplication_table.c”).
  2. Compile: Use a C compiler (e.g., GCC) to compile the code: Bashgcc multiplication_table.c -o multiplication_table
  3. Run: Execute the compiled program: Bash./multiplication_table

4. Customizing the Output

  • Range of multiples: Modify the loop’s condition (e.g., i <= 20) to generate a table with a different number of multiples.
  • Formatting: Adjust the printf format specifiers to customize the table’s appearance.
  • Error handling: Consider adding input validation to ensure the user enters a valid number.

5. Extending the Functionality

  • Dynamic range: Prompt the user for both the number and the desired range of multiples.
  • Generating multiple tables: Create a function that takes a number and range as input and prints its multiplication table, allowing for easy generation of multiple tables within your program.

Remember, this program serves as a foundation for exploring various aspects of C programming, including input/output, loops, formatting, and potential extensions. Experiment with different variations and dive deeper into the world of C!


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