C (programming language)

C Program to Print all Negative Elements in Array

Extracting and displaying specific elements from an array is a fundamental task in C programming. This guide explores writing a program to efficiently print all negative elements within an array, delving into different approaches and considerations.

1. Understanding the Task

The objective is to iterate through an array of integers and identify all elements with negative values. Once identified, these negative elements should be printed to the console or any desired output channel.

2. Basic Approach using Loop and Conditional Statement

The most straightforward approach utilizes a loop to traverse the array element by element. Inside the loop, a conditional statement checks if the current element is less than zero. If it is, the element is printed. Here’s the code snippet:


#include <stdio.h>

int main() {
  int arr[] = {-2, 5, 10, -7, 3, -1};
  int size = sizeof(arr) / sizeof(arr[0]);

  for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
    if (arr[i] < 0) {
      printf("%d ", arr[i]);


  return 0;


  • The arr array holds sample integer values, including both positive and negative numbers.
  • The size variable stores the number of elements in the array.
  • A loop iterates from 0 to size - 1, accessing each element in the array.
  • Inside the loop, the if statement checks if the current element arr[i] is less than zero (negative).
  • If the condition is true, the element is printed using the printf function.
  • Finally, a newline character is printed to separate the output.

3. Variations and Enhancements

The basic approach offers a clear and concise solution. However, you can explore further variations and enhancements for specific needs:

  • Using separate loop for negative elements: Instead of checking and printing within the same loop, you can iterate through the array once to count the number of negative elements and then allocate memory for a separate array to store them. Another loop can then copy the identified negative elements into the new array and print them as desired.
  • Printing additional information: Along with the negative elements, you can print additional information like their positions within the original array or any calculations performed on them.
  • Error handling and validation: Consider adding checks to ensure valid array indexes and handle potential errors like accessing elements beyond the array’s boundaries.

4. Utilizing Functions for Reusability

For increased code modularity and reusability, you can encapsulate the logic for identifying and printing negative elements within a separate function. This function can take the array and its size as arguments and return the number of negative elements found or perform the printing directly.

5. Conclusion

Printing all negative elements in an array forms a fundamental building block in C programming. By understanding the core approach and exploring variations like separate loops, additional information, and function creation, you can tailor the solution to your specific requirements and enhance your coding skills. Remember to experiment, modify the code, and explore further resources to gain deeper understanding and tackle similar challenges effectively.


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