C (programming language)

C program to check password is correct or incorrect using switch-case

Guarding your gates: Checking Passwords with C’s switch-case

Securing data and systems often involves password verification. This guide explores how to build a C program that utilizes the switch-case statement to check if a user-entered password is correct or incorrect.

Understanding the Logic

Before diving into the code, let’s establish the logic behind password verification. We need to:

  1. Get the user’s password: Prompt the user to enter their password using scanf.
  2. Compare the input with the correct password: Store the actual password in a variable and compare it with the user’s input.
  3. Provide feedback: Based on the comparison, print appropriate messages for correct and incorrect passwords.

Leveraging the switch-case

The switch-case statement offers a structured way to compare a variable’s value against multiple cases and execute specific code for each match. We can utilize this to check the user’s password:


switch (enteredPassword) {
  case correctPassword:
    printf("Correct password! Welcome!\n");
    printf("Incorrect password. Please try again.\n");

In this example, enteredPassword is the user’s input, and correctPassword is the actual password stored in a variable. If the switch statement finds a match between enteredPassword and correctPassword in the first case, it prints a welcome message. Otherwise, the default case handles any mismatch and prompts the user to try again.

Enhanced Security Measures

While this basic approach works, consider including additional security measures:

  • Store passwords securely: Avoid storing the actual password as plain text. Use hashing algorithms to generate a unique and irreversible string based on the password.
  • Limit login attempts: Implement a counter for failed login attempts and lock the account after exceeding a specific limit.
  • User feedback and error handling: Provide helpful instructions and error messages for different scenarios like misspelled passwords or empty inputs.

Beyond Basic Verification

This code serves as a foundation for building more complex password verification systems. You can expand it by:

  • Implementing different user accounts with unique passwords.
  • Adding password complexity requirements like minimum length, character types, etc.
  • Integrating password reset functionalities for forgotten credentials.

Remember, secure password management is crucial for protecting user data and system integrity. By understanding the logic behind this C program and implementing appropriate security measures, you can contribute to building robust and reliable authentication systems.


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